Task 1 — Introduction to Windows
Nothing to answer here just start the machine and read through the given text and click on complete.
Task 2 — Windows Editions
- What encryption can you enable on Pro that you can’t enable in Home?
The answer can be found here.
Task 3 — The Desktop (GUI)
- Which selection will hide/disable the Search box?
Right-click on the taskbar to find the answer.
2. Which selection will hide/disable the Task View button?
Show Task View button
Again right-click on the taskbar to find the answer.
3. Besides Clock, Volume, and Network, what other icon is visible in the Notification Area?
Action Center
The answer can be found here.
Task 4 — The File System
- What is the meaning of NTFS?
New Technology File System
Can be found in the given reading material.
Task 5 — The Windows\System32 Folders
- What is the system variable for the Windows folder?
Task 6 — User Accounts, Profiles, and Permissions
- What is the name of the other user account?
Once you deploy the windows machine, use win + r
to open run and enter lusrmgr.msc
and click ok.
2. What groups is this user a member of?
Remote Desktop Users,Users
Once you deploy the windows machine, use win + r
to open run and enter lusrmgr.msc
and click ok.
3. What built-in account is for guest access to the computer?
4. What is the account status?
Account is disabled
Task 7 — User Account Control
- What does UAC mean?
User Account Control
Task 8 — Settings and the Control Panel
- In the Control Panel, change the view to Small icons. What is the last setting in the Control Panel view?
Windows Defender Firewall
This took me so long to figure out! 😤
Task 9 — Task Manager
- What is the keyboard shortcut to open Task Manager?
This should have been easy if you’re good with windows, or a simple google search, and you’ll find it.
I highly recommend you to go through the given blog posts.
Task 10 — Conclusion
Just read through and click complete! Done!
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