Overthewire Bandit level 0-1-2-3 walkthrough

Hritesh J
3 min readNov 26, 2021

Complete walkthrough with explanation for level 0–3

Level 0

In this level, we have to log in to bandit.labs.overthewire.org, on port 2220

username: bandit0

password: bandit0

  • to login via ssh go to the terminal and use:
  • ssh <username>@<url> <port>
  • ssh bandit0@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220
  • now once we are logged in, we have to go to the next level.

Level 0 → Level 1

Now that we are told that the password is stored in a file called readme

  • so let’s use the command ls to list all the files in the current directory.
  • we can see a file called readme, to view the contents of that file, we can use the cat and command, cat <filename>
  • and we get the password for the next level!

Level 1 → Level 2

we have to get the password from a file called -

  • let’s login using ssh bandit1@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220 (ssh <username>@<url> <port>)
  • now let’s see what is in the home directory using the ls -l command.
  • the -l uses a long listing format
  • we can find a file -, but if we try using the command cat -, we won't get anything in return but the shell is waiting for user input, i.e it interprets - as redirection.
  • to overcome this we can use cat ./-

Level 2 → Level 3

We have to retrieve the password from a file called spaces in this filename

login with this : ssh bandit2@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220

  • if we try cat spaces in this file name, we get an error, as the terminal interprets each space-separated word as a separate file.
  • to overcome this, we can use cat "spaces in this file name" or cat spaces\ in\ this\ filename

Level 3 → Level 4

login : ssh bandit3@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220

The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the inhere directory

  • let’s use the command ls to view the contents of the current directory, we can see the inhere directory.
  • to go into that directory we can use the cd (Change Directory) command, cd inhere
  • if we use the ls command we won't be able to see any files or directories, as the file is hidden.
  • to view the hidden files we need to use the command ls -a, we can see that the file is called .hidden
  • to view this file we can use cat .hidden

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Hritesh J
Hritesh J

Written by Hritesh J

Hritesh J is a student pursuing undergraduate studies in CS. Loves cybersecurity and playing ctfs and writing about them. “learning one new thing every day.”

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