HackMyVM — Venus mission 10 to 20
Mission 10
cat passy | grep -i "^a9HFX"
is used to find strings in a text file-i
is used to match strings irrespective of the case(lower or upper)^
used to denote the start of the string
Mission 11
cat end | grep -i "0JuAZ$"
is used to find strings in a text file-i
is used to match strings irrespective of the case(lower or upper)$
is used to denote the end of the string
Mission 12
cat file.yo | grep "^fu.*ck$"
is used to find strings in a text file$
is used to denote the end of the string^
used to denote the start of the string.*
denotes an arbitrary string of arbitrary length
Mission 13
Mission 14
- it is mostly the
cat /etc/passwd | grep "alice"
Mission 15
- let’s try
sudo -l
- it lists the allowed commands for that particular user
- using
sudo -u natalia /bin/bash
- this runs the command as the specified user
- from the above we know that it has access to the
- we get the password for natalia
Mission 16
base64 -d base64.txt
to decode the text- followed by the file name
Mission 17
find / -type f -mtime +18980 2>/dev/null
it is a file property confirming the last time the file was modified(2022-1970) * 365 = 18980
- the
indicates older than 1970
Mission 18
- run this on you local machine (about scp)
scp -P 5000 clara@venus.hackmyvm.eu:~/protected.zip ~/
- this is used to securely copy files from the remote location to your local desktop
mentions the ssh port- SYNTAX :
scp [OPTION] [user@]SRC_HOST:]file1 [user@]DEST_HOST:]file2
zip2john protected.zip > pass
- we are getting the hashed form of the password
john pass --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
- after executing this command we get the password for the protected zip file
- now we have to get the password for frida
Mission 19
- we can use the commadn
uniq -d repeated.txt
- uniq is used to filter adjacent matching lines
is used to print only repeated lines
Mission 20
- I’m not sure why the first one did not work
ssh -i .iris_key iris@localhost
- here localhost denotes computers IP and the port it is using, since we are already logged into venus.hackmyvm.eu I think it works
- we get the password for
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