HackMyVM — Venus: Mission 1 to 10
This can be found here
Host: venus.hackmyvm.eu
Port: 5000
User: hacker
Pass: havefun!
- let's login using
ssh hacker@venus.hackmyvm.eu -p 5000
- description
ssh user@host -p (port number)
- after logging in:
Mission 1
- we can use the
command to list the contents of the directory cat
is used the print the file contents as output- so the password is saved in a hidden file
- let's try
ls -a
- the
is used to list hidden files (read more about it usingman ls
- We get the password for the next level!!
- Now we have to login as sophia using the obtained password
- we can use
su sophia
is used to switch users or run a command with a substitute user- so here we are switching the user to sophia
- when we try
we get a permission denied message - now let's go back a directory
cd ..
and ls - we can find many users, let's go to sophia
- here we can find the flag and the next mission!
Mission 2
- For this mission, we have to find a file called
- we can use a command
find / -name whereismypazz.txt -type f 2>/dev/null
- here
tells to find from the root directory -name
flag is used to specify the name-type f
is used to specify the type of files here-f
mentions files,-d
is used for directories2>/dev/null
is a file descriptor used to dump all the errors and not display them in the output
- now we can log in as angela and proceed to the next mission
Mission 3
- The password for emma is stored in line
of the filefindme.txt
- We can read through each line of the file, but there is a more efficient way to do it
- we can use
cat -n findme.txt | grep "4069"
- cat
numbers all the output lines - once the lines are numbered, we can
them (checkman grep
Mission 4
cat ./-
Mission 5
find / -name hereiam -type d 2>/dev/null
Mission 6
find . -type f
Mission 7
find / -type f -size 6969c 2>/dev/null
Mission 8
find / -type f -user violin 2>/dev/null
Mission 9
- since we don't have permissions, we should create a directory in the
directory unzip passw0rd.zip -d /tmp/hj
is used to mention an optional directory to which to extract files
Mission 10
cat passy | grep -i "^a9HFX"
is used to find strings in a text file-i
is used to match strings irrespective of the case(lower or upper)^
used to denote the start of the string
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