HackMyVm: Machine — Pwned

Complete walkthrough of HackMyVm machine — Pwned.

Hritesh J
4 min readJun 26, 2023

URL: https://hackmyvm.eu/machines/machine.php?vm=Pwned

First, let’s start off by doing a nmap scan to check the open ports.

  • nmap -sV -oA /home/kali/Pwned_scan.txt
  • -sV : User to get the service/version info of the open ports
  • -oA : Outputs the nmap scan results in the given file location

So 3 ports are open, let’s find what is there on port 80.

Port 80

And when we view the source of the page we find a comment

Now let’s see if there are any other hidden directories we can access using gobuster

  • gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-1.0.txt

We find /nothing , let’s try another wordlist

  • gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

We find /hidden_text , where we find a list of directories

Let’s store this in a file and use this as our wordlist.

  • curl > ~/pwned_dir.txt

Using this wordlist in gobuster

  • gobuster dir -u -w ~/pwned_dir.txt
  • Let’s navigate to in our browser, we can find a login page. On viewing the source code we get the password.

These should be the credentials for the FTP server

Port 21 — FTP

Login to the FTP server ftp ftpuser@ and when prompted enter the password we obtained from the source code.

If we ls we can find a share directory.

We can download the files to our local machine using the get followed by the file name.

We even find a id_rsa file which is the private key for ssh, which lets us log in without entering the password.

To ssh using the private key, we have to set the right file permissions chmod 600 id_rsa

  • ssh ariana@ -i id_rsa

We will get the user flag! Okay, now let’s see if there is any other user. cd /home

Let’s see the messenger.sh cat messenger.sh

This script takes in input and the message that we provide, it executes the message. We need to take advantage of it.

Let’s check the sudo permissions for the user ariana : sudo -l

ariana can execute the script as selena without requiring to enter the password.

Executing the script as selena sudo -u selena ./messenger.sh

Now let’s open a shell using this as selena.

We have access to selena now, let’s run the id command to get more information of selena

Docker creates new containers as a root user. The docker group grants root-level privileges to the user

We have to abuse this now to get the root flag.

Let’s make use of GTFObins, and break the shell.


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Hritesh J
Hritesh J

Written by Hritesh J

Hritesh J is a student pursuing undergraduate studies in CS. Loves cybersecurity and playing ctfs and writing about them. “learning one new thing every day.”

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